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Anne L.Walker

Relationship and Self Love Coach 

 “As we grow in intimacy with God, we are given security to develop deeper intimacy with others.”

Relationship Coaching

Be the change you want to see! Begin taking your relationships to a deeper level.

Boundary Coaching

Begin to experience healthier relationships by making the necessary adjustments for yourself.

Self Love Coaching

Begin experiencing self love and self care as an everyday part of your life.

 What is Relationship & Intimacy Coaching?

As a Relationship and Self Love Coach I help you experience breakthrough in your relationships with yourself & others by coming alongside you as we go back to the beginning  of the true form of intimacy that begins with GOD.

I pray that you, being rooted & established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide & long & high & deep is the love of Christ, & to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all fullness of God.” 

(Ephesians 3:17-19)



What Is The Process?

I want to work with you as we work with God to transform your relationships to the healthy, fruitful and life giving places they should be! But the key word is “WORK” ! It takes getting out of our comfort zones to unwrap ourselves and our relationships to experience breakthrough and  TRUE TRANSFORMATION!

“He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”

Matthew 10:39 


What is the purpose of this relationship? Is the foundation this relationship was founded on healthy in the first place? Or is it a place holder for something deeper you hoped to receive within the relationship?


What do I intend to get out of this relationship? What do I intend to give? A relationship is a two way street, a give and give scenario not a give and take. Here we dive further into the dynamics of the relationship.


What needs to take place within you and around you so you can begin experiencing thriving & true intimate relationships in every aspect of your life. Intimacy with God, intimacy in marriage, intimacy in friendship, intimacy with yourself.

Coaching Packages


4 Week Coaching Package

If you have short term goals and need an accountability partner to help you begin the process of living in healthier relationships.

More Details

FREE assessment interview

4 x 45 minute virtual one on one sessions

Weekly email chat support

Short-term goal setting




8 Week Coaching Package

If you are ready for next level relationships and are ready to experience a deeper level of intimacy in your relationships. 

More Details

FREE assessment interview

FREE Christian Life Coaching Workbook (digital copy)

 8 x 45 minute virtual one on one sessions

Weekly email chat support 

  In depth goal attainment plan

Long-term goal setting  





12 Week Coaching Package


TOTAL TRANSFORMATION! If you are ready to get down in the trenches of your heart and relationships this package is the one for you. 


More Details

FREE assessment interview

FREE Christian Life Coaching Workbook (digital copy) 

 12 x 45 minute virtual one on one sessions 

Weekly email chat support

In depth goal attainment plan

Long-term goal setting 



Who Is Anne Walker?

 I am your new ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER! I am also a Certified Christian Life Coach, Evangelist & Podcast Host. God has equipped me with the ability to get individuals back to the heart of intimacy with Him and the people who they hold dearest in their lives. 

 I have for 15+ years cultivated relationships in professional settings and  done the same for 10+years as I served in The Body of Christ  . Through my years working with children and their families within the public school system, personally in their homes and in the church through Sunday School and Youth Groups, etc, I’ve been able to  nurture and assist in growing many relationships in an array of aspects.  

During the COVID-19 pandemic Perfectly Purposed Podcast was birthed! It made sense for me to become a Podcaster because I have a lot to say, a lot to share about God and I love seeing people succeed in every area of their lives! My podcast has helped people to learn about God from a relational not religious point of view and helped them see the beautiful masterpiece they are in the eyes of God!